Are you looking for tips and methods to reduce your stress levels?
Are you struggling to reduce your screen time on smartphone, Netflix or social media?
Do you want to learn how to meditate?
Are you curious how to optimise the productivity of your brain?
This is your chance! We offer two hour workshops that address these issues!

Screens and smartphones are a big part of our lives nowadays. They help us in many ways but are also highly addictive. Screens kidnap large parts of our free time and lead to health problems.
Are you curious about how to regain control over your screens and screen time?
Find out in this workshop!

Stress is professional disease number one nowadays and it leads to burn-outs and many of the most important modern health problems.
Do you want to know more about how to handle your stress levels better and increase stress resistance?
The answer to these and more questions you’ll get in this workshop!

Our core business at Meditatie.Amsterdam is of course meditation. The life skill that brings more balance and focus to your life! It is being used by top managers, top athletes and the elite units of the military to increase performance under pressure and prevent losing focus and mental clarity.
Are you curious about what meditation can do for you? Find out in this workshop!

Mental productivity is the key to success with working and studying. With all the stimuli and full schedules nowadays, we tend to become overwhelmed and less productive.
Are you curious how to come to optimal mental productivity and how to train your brain for maximum performance?
This and more you will learn in this workshop!
Although meditation training is a valuable technique that can help you with the above mentioned subjects, the workshops are not just about meditation. We adress the central topic from a broad perspective. Like all our trainings also these workshops are down-to-earth, to-the-point, backed with research and full of practical tips and methods that can benefit you straight away.
Your investment for making your life easier and happier is €55,- per workshop.
If you are interested in more of them; there is a package deal! Book two and you’ll get 10% off, book 3 and you’ll get 15% off and book all you get 20% off!
Are you a student? Let me know and find out our special ratings!