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Every day a mini holiday gives mental peace and balance

Experience what meditation can do for you

Learn how to meditate

The instructions for meditation are simple, the practice itself is not that easy though. That such a simple technique is that hard, can be frustrating when you start to meditate. Just like experiencing how restless the mind actually is and how easy you get distracted, every time again.

Also I experienced that when I started meditating.

The quickest way to achieve results is, like with everything you want to learn, under the guidance of an experienced trainer or coach. This way you can, even with an minimal investment of ten to fifteen minutes a day, quickly experience an increase of the quality of your life!

Meditation does for the brain and mind what sports does for the body; it increases fitness, strength and flexibility. Not only the practical test results show this, also MRI imagery shows that even a few weeks of meditation, can already lead to positive changes in the brain.

Are you not sure whether to go for a meditation or a mindfulness course? Click here to learn more about what is what.

Upcoming events

  • Every Thursday at 20h30 I host my weekly meditation evening online through Zoom. There is a new edition also this week! Click here for all the info!
  • RETREAT! From Friday November 29 till Sunday December 1st in Enkhuizen. All the info you can find over here.
  • If you want to stay updated about my events and offer, follow me at Instagram!
Book your meditation training

Training in meditation

Here at Meditatie Amsterdam you will find the training that suits you. Accessible for almost everybody (see the conditions for participation below) and clear, down-to-earth, contemporary and focused on the concrete essence of meditating. With practical, easy and directly applicable methods, we help also you to experience the positive effects of meditation as quickly as possible.

Most of our activities we offer in a group setting. It doesn’t matter if you are a starter or more advanced for those. Just like in the gym, everybody works in the same setting at their own level and in their own goals. From day one I am blessed with working with a group of great, social and down-to-earth people which leads to an open, pleasant and nice atmosphere during each training. Take a look at the testimonials to get an impression. If you prefer one-on-one guidance, that is of course possible as well.

Below you will find our training offer.

Each training can be offered in Dutch, English and German

1. Weekly meditation evenings

More than just a guided group session

More and more gyms and yoga centers offer meditation hours. Mostly this is a guided meditation. Giving someone a meditative experience or guiding a meditation isn’t that difficult, teaching someone how to meditate is a step beyond that and that is what the weekly interactive sessions of Meditatie Amsterdam are about. Next to the guided group meditation, there are explanations, practical tips and focused instructions to deepen your meditation practice. Of course there is always the opportunity to ask any question you have.

The evenings are the perfect follow-up on a mindfulness or meditation course. They provide you with continuity and deepening of your practice. They are very accessible and suitable for beginners as well as more experienced meditators. There are no subscription fees, memberships or any other forms of obligations. You can visit each evening separately and can decide per week if you want to come.

The online lessons are in small groups and can also be attended from everywhere in the world. Send an email or click the button below to reserve your spot for the next evening! It is also possible to receive a weekly reminder of the meditation evening (of which you can unsubscribe whenever you want of course). If you would like that, let us know by mail.

Practical information:

Day and time: every Thursday evening from 20.30 till 21.30
Location: online so from everywhere you like
Your investment: €12,50 per session and 10-visit card for €111,-
For students: 5 visit card for €35,-
You can also use the card for my weekly breath classes.
Reservation mandatory.

2. The workshop

For beginners as well as for the more experienced

The interactive workshop in meditation gives you an introduction to the world of meditation. You’ll learn what meditation is, why meditation isn’t esoteric or religious, what the (scientifically proven) effects of meditation are, how to start meditating yourself and how it perfectly fits in our modern times and busy lives. Of course we also do the practical part of meditation, so you can directly experience yourself what it can do for you.

Those who have not meditated previously will have a know and feel for the method and you will be able to start to meditate by yourself after the workshop. Everybody who has already meditated gets a fresh new start of their own practice.

Practical information:

Workshop length: 3 hours
Location: In Amsterdam Zuid or for your group at a location you desire
Group size: between 5 and 12 people
Your investment: €69,- (including VAT/BTW)

3. Meditation sessions one-on-one

Custom made private meditation sessions with Roel

Meditating in a group is easier and enhances the effect. Some people have a preference for personal sessions though and those are also available. I am more than happy to stop by for a one-to-one session.

The hourly session will be filled according to your requests. Every session is custom made and includes private coaching in which we tackle your specific challenges. During the practical part we’ll meditate together and I guide the session for you. The sessions can be booked separately or on a more structural basis and I am flexible with my planning. The sessions are possible in Dutch, English or German and live or online.

There are also intensive one-to-one training programs available.
Send us an email to find out what is possible.

Practical information:

Day and time: flexible planning possible
Location: at your location so there is no time loss for you
Your investment: €98- per hour (including VAT/BTW). Within Amsterdam we won’t charge any extra costs, outside of Amsterdam we charge for travel time and travel expenses.

Online is also possible and these sessions are €79- per hour (including VAT/BTW)

Terms for participation - is meditation something for me?

Our offer is aimed at optimising the functioning of the brain and mind so the full potential can be reached and to bring calmness and clarity. If that is what you are looking for, you came to the right place!

We work from a basis of mental health towards being mentally in top shape. Meditation is also successfully applied as therapy for mental diseases. This is done under specialised care and the methods of Meditatie Amsterdam are not suited for that. Just like you visit doctor or therapist before going to the gym when you have a physical problem, first see a mental healthcare professional when you are dealing with mental diseases.

When you experience stress, fatigue or tensions in your daily life, this of course isn’t a problem for participation in our trainings. If you are diagnosed with a mental illness like severe depression, psychosis, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, post traumatic stress disorders or personality disorders, then more specialised guidance is important. If you have any doubts and want to participate in one of our trainings, contact us so we can determine together what is the best path for you.

After booking a training there is the possibility of a free of charge cancellation up to a set period before the training starts. This period differs per training, see our terms and conditions for more information.

Book your training now!

I am ready to get help you towards results! Do you have a questions or specific request? Send me an email and I will see how I can adjust my offer optimally to your wishes. Roel Wilbers Meditation trainer and author of ‘Meditation, your daily mini holiday’

Book your meditation training


Pauline (41) from Amsterdam

Public speaker

Roel’s meditation training was a great experience because of his clearly noticeable professional preparation, experience and expertise. Because of my years of meditation experience, training and retreats I can say: “Roel knows what he’s talking about and ‘walks his talk’!” I can recommend everybody that seeks guidance in meditation to go and see Roel!

Raul (28) from London

Sotware engineer

Roel is an amazing teacher, with a huge knowledge about meditation practice and always welcomes you with a smile. After meditation, we always talk about our own practice, where Roel helps giving some constructive input about it. His classes helped me a lot to understand my own mind and improve self-awareness. His trainings are totally recommendable.

Nino (23) from Amsterdam

Philosophy student

Even with the more than 1500 hours of meditation experience I already had, I found Roel’s meditation training refreshing and it gave me useful advice that I can use during my own practice. He is clear, up-to-date and to-the-point.

Iris (25) from Amsterdam

Coach & Mensendieck therapist

If you want to learn what meditation is and you don’t want to dive into the books, Roel is the one you should see. He learns you within one workshop how to get started and lets you experience with practical methods what meditation is and can do for you. Roel is a warm teacher that makes you feel comfortable from the first moment on.

Breean (34) from Amsterdam

Gyrotonic trainer & Designer

Roel’s introduction to meditation course gives a comprehensive and in depth background of the practice. The course has an organic flow, as the theory is put directly into practice. He is an extremely knowledge and approachable teacher. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested!

Simone (25) from Zurich

Physiotherapist and dancer

A workshop with Roel is not just learning about meditation, he gives you the tools to practically implementing what you learn in your life. After my first workshop my life looked different than before and it still looks different now. He has a unique way of teaching and explaining, very clear, easy to grab and approachable for the most different kind of people.

Interested to work with me?

Do you also want to benefit from all the research and experience I gathered for many years to get to the core of meditation and translate it into contemporary, accessible and practical methods to get the best out of yourself? If you would like to work with me, apply now for one of my next activities.
Beginner or more experienced, I am happy to help you on your way towards more inner peace, balance, energy, clarity and freedom of mind, with methods that can have lifechanging effects within weeks. See you soon!

Roel Wilbers – meditation trainer and author of ‘Meditation, your daily mini holiday’
