Meditate 4 Ukraine
Fundraiser workshop 13/03/2022

‘How can I help?‘
This question probably crossed your mind multiple times already since the horrifying things that are happening in the Ukraine. Some already generously donated money or goods, thousands already offered to take in refugees and some used more creative ways like booking through Airbnb in Ukraine without of course going and so that the locals receive money.
Also I asked myself this question, what can I do? And this is my contribution.
This meditation fundraiser is just partly about raising money though (which for 100% will go to the help organisations and I am in touch with locals so to help in the most direct way). It is also about how you can actually help a war zone from your meditation pillow. Something that has been done already in the past and is backed by the findings of scientists.
And it’s something we are going to actually do as well in the guided meditation.
The workshop
This fundraiser workshop is not about politics or taking sides. It is about awareness for the people in trouble and need, and helping them where possible.
It is accessible for complete beginners as well as more experienced, and will be in English.
In this two hour workshop you’ll get:
- An introduction in meditation that is also beneficial for the already more experienced
- My five top tips for your own meditation practice
- The answer to all the meditation questions you have in a live Q&A
- Inspiration for your own meditation practice
- The explanation how you can actually help in a war zone from a meditation pillow and the science behind it
- The positive vibes from not only contributing financially but also through the group meditation for the people in Ukraine
You can join at the venue (see below) or online through Zoom.
You’re hosted by:

For the ones that don’t know me, my name is Roel. I am a meditation trainer for quite some years now, wrote a book and have a podcast about it and am above all a fellow human being that wants to help others. I also teach a course about working with your energy and contributing positive vibes to wherever you want to send it and I will add some aspects of that to this workshop.
Where the topics of energy work and maybe even meditation sound a bit airy-fairy to some, you will find that I am very down-to-earth and practical in my approach and like to include modern science to what I teach.
For this fundraiser I team up with YogaZentrum Nada, a fresh new yoga center where I weekly teach meditation and breath classes.

Where, when and what?
- When: Sunday 13. March 2022 from 19h00 till 21h00
- Where: The workshop will be at YogaZentrum Nada. The address is Zuidermolenweg 7 in Amsterdam West.
You can also attend from your own place through Zoom if you want.
- Contribution: The workshop is a fundraiser so on donation basis. The minimum donation is 15 euro’s, what I hope makes it accessible for everybody (if not send me a message) and there is of course no max :-). The full 100% goes to the help organisations, myself and YogaZentrumNada charge nothing for the event.
Here is the Tikkie-link for the event if you want to donate and where you can add the amount yourself:
‘Meditatie workshop fundraiser’ via
Do you want to be part of this and contribute and/or join?
Please let me know so I can send you the link or reserve a spot for you!
Let me know by sending me an email at!
If you just want to donate that is fine as well of course and let me know how much and I will send you a Tikkie.
Hopefully see you at the workshop. And please spread the word!! Let’s make this big!